Monday, September 15, 2008

Our little Princess goes to Pre-school

The day has come, Gracie started Pre-school at Park View Elementary. She is so excited, that is all she ever talks about, and of coarse I cried the first day I had to drop her off and leave her. She just kept saying, leave Mom, I am staying here by myself. She is so funny, she gets to take a lunch every day and she is naming all of her school friends. What a big girl, growing up so fast!!!


Mary said...

I can't believe that she is in pre-school! time flys!

Cass said...

Wow...we are grownups!

Dayton and Candice said...

Hey Karlee!! I love this blogging thing! Your kids are beautiful!! And i giggle cuz' My 2 year old --when he started Nursey he was like "see ya Mom, leave, your embarassing me" and I left w/ tears in my eyes thinking why doesn't he want me to stay??? Yeah I'm a nerd! come see us at